AP Human Geography

Page By: Elizabeth Mtshali, Mackenzie Goertel, Valentin LeBesnerais. Honorable Mention: Brielle Jamar,

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Archbishop Desmond Tutu’s Presidential Speech

Archbishop Desmond Tutu gave a formal presidential speech at Murray State University on Monday, February 22. His inspiring words were spread throughout all of the attendees and his mere presence put the entire crowd in awe. Because of his great accomplishments, including a Nobel Peace Prize, this might have been the most important person to ever speak at Murray State.

Because of Tutu’s great endeavors for peace between the white South Africans and the black South Africans, he was awarded with a Nobel Peace Prize. As he fought for justice alongside Nelson Mandela, not stopping when he was tired, not quitting when he was told, he made peace to stop the discrimination against the black South Africans.

Some of Tutu’s inspiring words at his speech included, “The only intolerance is the tolerance of intolerance,” which tells us that not taking action when it is necessary is unacceptable. And when we do not take action when something is intolerable, then we are being intolerable ourselves.

Another one of his most famous quotes is, “My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together.” Meaning that without each other, we cannot exist. And if we eliminate each other, then our humanity will seize to exist.

These were only two of the many quotes that he had said that inspired millions to become peace makers throughout the globe. Because of his peace-making efforts, the entire world has been impacted and has changed the way we as people deal with violence and hatred. And he, himself, has changed history for the rest of our lives.

Valentin LeBesnerais

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