AP Human Geography

Page By: Elizabeth Mtshali, Mackenzie Goertel, Valentin LeBesnerais. Honorable Mention: Brielle Jamar,

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Meals At Murray State

Having meals at Murray State University provided us with a sneak peek into college life. When we first arrived in the cafeteria the atmosphere of the whole campus changed. The cafeteria was always full, and there were always long lines of people waiting to get food. There were people studying b y themselves, and some groups of people having lunch with their friends. Eating with the rest of the students lets us see how people interact in college, and some of the differences between high school social life and college social life. The level of independence in college is significantly higher than that of high school, since you get to choose almost everything.

In the cafeteria at Murray State, there were abundances of choices all around us. There were vegetarian options, a salad bar, wraps, pizza, soups, and many more options to choose from. After taking it all in, all of us decided to get in line behind the college students. Once we made our choices, we found a table in the already crowded dining hall and ate our food. Looking around at all the students the college is very diverse, and caters to many different types of people. ESPN was playing on the big flatscreen TV’s, and overhearing some conversations, athletics is one of the important facets of life at Murray State.

All in all, having dinner and lunches at Murray State University was a new experience for all of us. It gave us a new insight into college life, and the independence we will all soon have.

Elizabeth Mtshali

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